50 years of B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH
Innovation by tradition - B.E.G. celebrates its 50th anniversary
Innovation by tradition - B.E.G. celebrates its 50th anniversary
With the PD5N-LAMELLA-KNXs-DX (93508 and 93509), we are expanding our portfolio with a powerful KNX sensor.
Our proven KNX Binary Input Devices are now also equipped with KNX Secure.
With B.E.G.-sensors and actuators, you can rely on function, quality, a wide range of accessories and user-friendliness. For professional installation, our B.E.G. products are available exclusively through electrical wholesalers. For system integrators, planners, electrical installers and architects who want to integrate the benefits of building automation, we offer comprehensive consulting services, training, software for quick and convenient installation and parameterisation, as well as product solutions for KNX, BMS DALI-2, DALI-LINK, DALI-SYS and Casambi.
We would be happy to support your building project. Take advantage of our consulting and services:
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